Long-Term Effects of Double Chin Treatment

The Long-Term Effects of Double Chin Treatment: How to Maintain Your Results

Many people find having a double chin, or submental fat, a frustrating and intractable problem. A more sculpted, defined jawline can be a significant confidence booster, and maintaining results requires a commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, several non-invasive and minimally invasive treatments are available to reduce or eliminate submental fat, helping restore a more youthful and defined facial profile. 

How Does A Double Chin Treatment Work?

The specific workings of a double chin treatment will depend on the treatment of choice. Here are some of the most common treatments and how they work:

  • Non-invasive treatments. Non-invasive treatments for double chin include exercises, topical creams, and injectables. Facial activities involve stretching and toning the muscles in the neck and chin area, which can help to reduce the appearance of a double chin over time. Topical creams and injectables work by breaking down fat cells or tightening the skin, respectively.
  • Minimally-invasive treatments. Minimally-invasive treatments for double chin include Kybella and CoolSculpting. Kybella involves injecting a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule in the body that helps to break down fat, into the double chin area. CoolSculpting uses freezing technology to destroy fat cells in the double chin area.
  • Surgical treatments. Surgical treatments for double chin include liposuction and neck lift. Liposuction involves removing excess fat from the chin and neck through a small incision. A neck lift involves removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin and muscles in the neck and chin area.

Regardless of the type of treatment, the goal is to reduce or eliminate the excess fat or skin beneath the chin to achieve a more defined facial contour. The specific results and recovery time will vary depending on the type of treatment chosen.

What Are The Different Treatments For the Double Chin?

Surgical and non-surgical treatments are available for double chin, and various factors, including overall health, the severity of the double chin, and personal preferences, will determine the choice between the two.

Non-surgical treatments:


It is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that contains synthetic deoxycholic acid, a substance naturally found in the body that helps break down and absorb fat cells. It is injected directly into the fat cells under the chin, causing them to break down and be absorbed by the body over time.


It is a non-surgical injectable treatment that contains a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, similar to Kybella. It works by breaking down and absorbing fat cells under the chin, helping to reduce the appearance of a double chin.


It is another injectable treatment containing a plant-based compound solution that breaks down and dissolves fat cells. It is injected directly into the fat cells under the chin, causing them to be absorbed by the body over time.


This non-invasive treatment uses a device to freeze and destroy fat cells in the chin and neck area.


This non-invasive treatment uses ultrasound energy to tighten and lift the skin in the chin and neck area.

Laser lipolysis

This non-invasive treatment uses laser energy to break down fat cells and tighten the skin in the chin and neck area.

Radiofrequency (RF) treatments

RF treatments use heat energy to tighten the skin and stimulate collagen production, helping to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

Surgical treatments:


This surgical procedure removes excess fat from the chin and neck through a small incision.

Neck lift

This surgical procedure involves removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin and muscles in the neck and chin area.


This surgical procedure involves tightening the muscles and removing excess fat under the chin to improve the contour of the jawline and neck.


This surgical procedure involves removing excess skin from the neck to improve its appearance.

What Is Exactly The Best Treatment For A Double Chin?

The best treatment option for a double chin will depend on several factors, including the cause and severity of the double chin, overall health, and preferences. Since each person’s needs and circumstances are unique, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

For individuals with a small to moderate amount of excess fat in the chin and neck area, non-surgical treatments such as injectables or CoolSculpting may effectively reduce the appearance of a double chin. These treatments are typically less invasive and have minimal downtime, making them a good option for many people.

For individuals with more excess fat or loose skin in the chin and neck area, surgical treatments such as liposuction, neck lift, submentoplasty, or cervicoplasty may be a better option. These procedures are more invasive and take longer to recover, but the results can be more dramatic and long-lasting.

Moreover, the best treatment option will depend on individual needs and preferences. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine which treatment option is available based on unique circumstances.

What Are The Long-Term Effects of Double Chin Treatment?

Double chin, called submental fullness, can be caused by genetics, aging, and weight gain. While exercise and diet can help reduce the appearance of a double chin, some people may turn to cosmetic treatments for more significant and long-lasting results.

One popular treatment for double chin is Kybella, an FDA-approved injectable that targets and breaks down fat cells in the chin area. Another option is CoolSculpting, a non-invasive procedure that uses freezing technology to destroy fat cells.

While both treatments can effectively reduce the appearance of a double chin, it’s essential to consider the long-term effects. With Kybella, the destroyed fat cells are permanently gone, meaning the results are expected to last for years. However, weight gain can still cause the remaining fat cells to expand and create a double chin again.

CoolSculpting also permanently removes fat cells, but weight gain can still cause remaining fat cells to expand, leading to the return of a double chin. Additionally, some patients may experience temporary side effects such as numbness, redness, and swelling.

As with any cosmetic treatment, it’s essential to consult a qualified and experienced provider to determine the best approach for each unique need and goal. A healthy lifestyle with exercise and a balanced diet can also help maintain the results of double chin treatments in the long run.

How to Maintain Results After Double Chin Treatment?

Maintaining the results of double chin treatment requires a combination of healthy lifestyle habits and continued treatment maintenance. Below are helpful tips to help keep results:

  • Maintain a healthy diet: Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help maintain a stable weight, which is essential for preventing double chin reoccurrence.
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise can help burn excess fat and calories, which can help prevent the development of a double chin. It can also help maintain a healthy weight.
  • Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can help keep the skin hydrated and elastic, which can help prevent the appearance of sagging skin under the chin.
  • Follow the treatment plan: If the double chin treatment requires multiple sessions or follow-up appointments, it’s essential to stick to it to maintain results.
  • Consider maintenance treatments: Some double chin treatments may require occasional maintenance treatments to maintain the results. Be sure to discuss this with the healthcare provider.

Following these tips ensures that the double chin treatment results last for the long term.

The Bottom Line

Double chin treatment options have come a long way in recent years, with surgical and non-surgical options available to help reduce the appearance of a double chin. The Rejuvenation Center II, LLC offers Double Chin Treatment using Kybella®, a prescription medication to improve the appearance of the submental area. Ultimately, Kybella can be a game-changer to help you say ‘bye-bye’ to the double chin blues.

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